Wednesday 13 May 2009

New glue technique for treatment of pilonidal sinus

Pilonidal sinus disease is treated surgically. There are over 50 operations described, all of which cause some pain and discomfort and have a recurrence rate of 5-30%. Building on the use of glue for fistula in ano I have used fibrin glue to treat pilonidal disease with success, the patients going home the same day and often back to work within 40hours. recurrence rate so far is 10-15%.

The sinus complex is curetted to remove hairs, debris and granulation tissue.

Fibrin glue is injected into the sinus complex

No dressing is needed and the patient can go home when recovered from the anaesthetic


  1. i need some suggestions from you about cyst, i done operation 9 months before but after 4 months it's appear same like old one please suggest me what can i do now.


  2. Very informative about the glue technique, keep updating.
    pilonidal sinus treatment
